*Page Last Updated: March 30 at 12:00 PM*
As a community that is seeking to love both God and neighbor in urban and university Knoxville, we are making many modifications to our corporate and individual lives during this season in which the Coronavirus is spreading and bringing great harm to our communities. Keep reading for the latest information.
Communication Channels
For the most current information about how Redeemer is responding to this developing situation:
Sign up for our E-news letter here, if you are not already signed up
Check this page regularly
Follow us on all of our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter)
Changes to Our Worship Services
We will be unable to physically meet for worship for some time. But we will continue praising Jesus and hearing from his word via live-streamed broadcast at 10 AM every Sunday. The service will be hosted on our YouTube channel, and can be accessed on the service page of our website. It will be accessible to watch later too.
Community “Gatherings”
Community groups, Women’s Bible studies, Men’s Power Lunch, and Youth Group have all moved to online gatherings via Zoom for a time. Click here for more information.
Caring for our Neighbors
Please be mindful of the fact that those on the edges of our society are disproportionately impacted in times if crisis and plague. Also remember that, as Christians, we stand in a long line of believers who have willingly and joyously given of themselves for the sake of their neighbors. If you or someone you know has needs, OR if you are interested in helping meet the needs of our neighbors, click here.
Resources for Private and Household Worship
The following resources are available to help you remain connected to Redeemer during what we anticipate may be a season of extended absence for many in our community.
When we have worship services, we will live stream the services on YouTube. To join the Live stream, visit our home page at 10 AM.
Our weekly bulletins will be posted on the Downloadable Resources page of our website. The liturgy provided in the bulletin is a great resource for private and household worship.
Redeemer’s Family Liturgy Books are also available on the Downloadable Resources page of our website. You can access it with password: R3D33M3R
We have curated several Spotify playlists so that you can continue using the songs that we sing in our worship gatherings to help you continue to sing praises to our God.
Additional Resources
There are many great resources to help you know how to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy at the CDC website.
We would also recommend Andy Crouch’s article Love in the Time of Coronavirus as an excellent bit of practical theological reflection on how Christians can reflect the love of Jesus to our neighbors during this time. We high recommend this piece.
In all these things, let us also remember Christ’s words to us in John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”