Meeting #1

Welcome - Get to know each other

Discussion Items:

• Tell me about yourself.

• What are your favorites of everything? (food, song, vacation spot, etc.)

•Why are you interested in participating in communion?

• What to expect for the next 3 meetings.

• Provide New Communicant form to the parents.

Meeting #2

Meeting #3

Membership Questions

Discussion Items:

• Review and explain each question to make sure there is understanding.

• Child should explain what each question means and if they agree.

• Child will sign the new communicant form along with the elder

Meeting #4

Communion Review with Rev. Slate

Discussion Items:

•Review Membership  Questions

•Trays and elements used in communion

•The words spoken during communion

•The meaning of the Lord’s Supper

• How the first communion service will go.

(review bulletin from a previous new communicant Sunday)

• Child will sign the new communicant form along with the Pastor

• Form is returned to Admin

1st Communion:


• Admin office to arrange date for first communion with parents.

• Letter from Rev. Slate to be given to the child at the first communion.